Countries with growth rates under 0.1%

Country Growth rate Population size
Finland 0.08 5,259,250
Belgium 0.07 10,431,477
Armenia 0.06 2,967,975
Greenland 0.05 57,670
Austria 0.03 8,217,280
Falkland Islands 0.01 3,140
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.01 4,622,163
Norfolk Island 0.01 2,169
Total population

Countries with no growth

Country Growth rate Population size
Vatican City 0.00 832
Cocos Islands 0.00 596
Pitcairn Islands 0.00 48
Christmas Island 0.00 1,402
Total population

Countries with negative population growth

Country Growth rate Population size
Tokelau -0.01 1,384
Svalbard -0.02 2,019
Niue -0.03 1,311
Poland -0.06 38,441,588
Moldova -0.07 4,314,377
Croatia -0.08 4,483,804
Virgin Islands -0.08 109,666
Trinidad and Tobago -0.09 1,227,505
Cuba -0.10 11,087,330
Czech Rep -0.12 10,190,213
Monaco -0.12 30,539
Maldives -0.15 394,999
Slovenia -0.16 2,000,092
Hungary -0.17 9,976,062
Germany -0.21 81,471,834
Romania -0.25 21,904,551
Lithuania -0.28 3,535,547
Japan -0.28 126,475,664
Micronesia, Federated States of -0.31 106,836
Georgia -0.33 4,585,874
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -0.33 103,869
Belarus -0.36 9,577,552
South Africa -0.38 49,004,031
Guyana -0.44 744,768
Serbia -0.47 7,310,555
Russia -0.47 138,739,892
Latvia -0.60 2,204,708
Ukraine -0.62 45,134,707
Estonia -0.64 1,282,963
Montenegro -0.71 661,807
Bulgaria -0.78 7,093,635
Saint Pierre and Miquelon -0.97 5,888
Cook Islands -3.20 11,124
North Mariana Islands -4.00 46,050
Total population

Number of people living in nations with stable or negative growth: 613,826,746. 8.8% of Earth’s total population.

Source: CIA World Factbook. Estimates for 2010 and 2011.